August X Oedipus

August X Oedipus. Jada X Jacosta. Oedipus Rex was a tragic mythological king figure that was fated to marry his mother and kill his father. Oedipus eventually gauged his eyes out in the end. 

In psychology, the Oedipus complex, introduced by Sigmund Freud is a condition in which a male child develops sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex. This is all sort of what came to mind yesterday (for most of us) as I watched August Alsina talk to Angela Yee about his affair with Jada Pinkett. I figured as much. Its an open secret how The Smiths get down. 

August is a radiant and wounded artist— in my mind it made sense that Jada would feel an attraction to that. She’s obviously very fueled by the act of fixing people and spewing out constant gems and wisdom. 

She has a whole talk show. Also..... there are people like that. It’s a thing. I’m a sucker for it, personally. Feed me. Fix me. 

It’s the maternal thing that I find so very intriguing when it’s all tied together. Fetishistic. Hard to compromise and maybe a little...... weird? But I’m game to deep dive into it. 

In an older clip, Jada described her family taking August in because he was in dire need of “healing”. 

 In retrospect, it feels like she wanted to heal him as much or maybe even more than she let on. There’s obviously a self serving layer to this altruism based on the “life partnership” level that she and Will have elevated to. 

This was a 4 year situation after all, not a fling. There are deep levels of fulfillment that had to have been served on both ends in order for it to have continued as long. 

Will Smith is a grown ass self realized man. A father and iconic superstar. The dynamics of his relationship with Jada is a partnership. There’s no real pedestal there for her to sit on. Perhaps, she needs that. Listen.... I don’t know these people. 

I think the world is shook and a very perplexed at the fact that August was referred to as their “son” to the public and now left exposed is the underbellyof their messy open marriage. 

We’re also so used to women and girls having daddy issues the age old narrative of being rescued by older men. Men that show up to seemingly absolve the pain, that we truly don’t know how to process that this same shit has a real mold in matriarchy. It makes us uncomfortable. Secondly, It’s also just as hard for us to fathom and accept the reality of what it means to truly sustain marriage and long term “relationship goals” that we constantly speak of. The pacts, trust levels, offbeat mechanics and compromises tailored to keeping the union what it is. Religion and tradition doesn’t teach any of this. Mom and dad certainly didn’t. It’s not wholesome. But it’s real. There might be far more lasting marriages that function this way than we know or ever care to accept. 

I think it would be easier for the world if marriages like this just ended, instead of working out. 

It would mean that we would have to work harder at understanding our partners and accepting ourselves. That’s a lot. 

Will and Jada have spoken several times about their understanding and how relationships level up and die through phases—if you’re in it for the long haul then you must adapt. That’s their marriage creed. It always made sense and seemed like one of the most sound and real pieces of advice you could probably ever get about long lasting love. 

Obviously The Smiths were indirect about it because it’s progressive as fuck and quite possibly a very threat to their perfect image and bankability. 

I don’t think shame had much to do with the secrecy. They are old skool Hollywood with very new skool ways— at its clashing now through this revelation. What does this mean? 

Jada completely denied the affair. But after seeing that imprint of August in boxer briefs and my many doubts on their Scientology affiliation, I’m inclined to believe that she the one lying. 

But I’m always more inspired by the truth and things for what they are. As unconventional as it is, the Smiths’s seem a lot more human to me. A lot less mythological. I think this is more of what we need as we navigate the forward path in this strange new world we are in. 

I think August is very much a causality in their union and eternal bond ascent. A testament to the trials and tribulations they had to overcome. I think he figured that out. After giving so much of himself the only fair thing is that he at least take back the truth. 

But from the looks of it that will be a fight in itself. Let’s see who’s left with their eyes gauged out in plain sight. 

August X Oedipus